I've been using a digital board up to this point, but with a couple of HDMI to VGA DACs that can be had on amazon and a VGA to SCART cable for my PVM. Unfortunately even after buying 4 different DACs, I never found one that I really liked because they all had tradeoffs, but I was using a CS5210 which got the job done.
Installing the IO Direct board in my existing MiSTer setup was quick and easy, and I was up and running very quickly. And I can say, finally, my search for a perfect DAC is over. This has it all:
- Excellent 24 bit RGB color at reference quality levels
- Excellent black/white levels (no crush)
- No delay when cores switch resolutions, a CRT will show it seamlessly
- Seems to work with every resolution the MiSTer can output
Really great stuff, I'm very happy with it overall. I also like the fact that one of the buttons on the top is a power on/power off button.