
Mid-year update

Well, I just recovered from the latest round of MiSTercade and aluminum kit sales. You might be wondering where I've been and why Express is taking so long. I hope to answer those questions in this post. But first, 2 commonly asked questions: When more MiSTercades? ~2 months When more aluminum cases / kits? ~3 months PSX SNAC? I made some last minute changes and should have the final samples in hand next week. I try to add every possible feature to each board that I can. You’ll see what I mean :) On to the Express... I've created a...

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Feb 2022 Update - MiSTer Addons

Feb 2022 Update

TLDR: MiSTercade and Aluminum kit pre-orders start in 1 hour. Please read the entire post. Donna x MiSTercade  The talented @pepe_salot crafted this beautiful artwork for MiSTercade. Most of you will have already seen it by now, but, for those who haven't, behold:  You can order prints from Pepe here: Pepe was also kind enough to make stickers which I'll be selling in my shop and also including with the next round of MiSTercades. Pre-Orders: MiSTercade v1.1 Speaking of MiSTercade, more are due in March. I've been answering constant questions about their availability so I've decided to take limited pre-orders to...

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MiSTer IO Data Shootout - MiSTer Addons

MiSTer IO Data Shootout

The DE10-nano is both an FPGA and an ARM computer, running Linux. Because of this, MiSTer benefits from all of the input/output flexibility of a modern computer. Note that the DE10-nano's USB PHY is USB 2.0 so there is no speed advantage using USB 3.0 devices. This comparison has been months in the making, and I'm happy to finally publish my findings. Storage History: In 2018, a new MiSTer script added the ability to mount network volumes via CIFS/SAMBA which can be used for game storage. In 2019, MiSTer added the option of storing games on USB storage. So which storage solution is...

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MiSTer Aluminum Case Round 3 - MiSTer Addons

MiSTer Aluminum Case Round 3

  After many months of waiting, the new aluminum cases are finally here! The electronics world has gotten worse since the last round of case in July so I've adjusted prices to account for added expenses.   Sales Methodology: I'm also prioritizing bundles over cases. I will list cases individually and am ready to start the next round of production but I have to save as many cases for kits as possible. I generally sell cases in 3 phases. This helps me not oversell, catch issues along the way, etc. Stay tuned and follow me on Twitter for future phases...

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