
MiSTer IO Data Shootout - MiSTer Addons

MiSTer IO Data Shootout

The DE10-nano is both an FPGA and an ARM computer, running Linux. Because of this, MiSTer benefits from all of the input/output flexibility of a mo...
MiSTer Aluminum Case Round 3 - MiSTer Addons

MiSTer Aluminum Case Round 3

  After many months of waiting, the new aluminum cases are finally here! The electronics world has gotten worse since the last round of case in Ju...
Time Flies When You're Having Fun - MiSTer Addons

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Let's take a walk down MiSTer memory lane *extends hand*. Most of you have heard my backstory but I've been involved with MiSTer hardware sales sin...
MiSTer Aluminum Case Round 2 - MiSTer Addons

MiSTer Aluminum Case Round 2

A few notes: Open case box over container - just like first round the parts bags are prone to opening during transit. I tried to convince the fact...
Same but different - MiSTer Addons

Same but different

Well, the time has finally come. I started working on these cases before COVID hit the majority of the world. Since it's easy to blame delays on p...

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